
Academic integrity

When taking courses on the online education platform «UCU-Online» you undertake to comply with the principles of academic integrity established by the Ukrainian Catholic University.

Compliance with academic integrity involves the following points:

- For all midterm and final tasks (including written essays, which are not graded), you must write yourself.
- You cannot publish, transmit or distribute in any way the answers to the assignments that affect the assessment (exception: unless the course assignment provides this).
- Do not give access to your account to other people.
- Do not use essays prepared as part of taking other educational courses (both courses of the "UCU-online" platform and others).
- It is forbidden to use plagiarism.

Plagiarism is the publication of results (answers, texts, presentations, research results, etc.) obtained by other persons as one's own research and work, as well as a reproduction of other authors' texts without indicating citation.

It is a reproduction of a text from a third-party source without indicating authorship or passing it off as one's material. Plagiarism also includes using another person's work even with that person's consent (for example, if someone offered you to take the tests on the platform for a fee).
 Remember that you may use ideas from other sources when discussing the assignment as long as they are appropriately cited.

We encourage you to use as many learning resources as possible

(not only those we recommend but also those you find yourself) with proper attribution. Not only does this promote academic integrity, but it also helps promote scholarly resources and raise awareness among your fellow academics.
However, all submitted tasks must be the result of your work.
Also, when writing written assignments, the proportion of citations cannot exceed that of your written text.
Please note that we can check your written work for plagiarism using special software.
If the program detects plagiarism or any other violation of academic integrity, your certificate of course completion and subscription to study materials will be revoked.
You can contact us to resolve this issue if you disagree with our decision.

The use of the materials of the UCU platform is prohibited without reference to the source. Reproduction of any material (such as video, text or images) in its entirety is also prohibited.

Regulations on the prevention of academic plagiarism