
Eye-openers on Ukraine

Огляд курсу


It is a new project of the School of Ukrainian language and culture at the Ukrainian Catholic University that aims to share public lectures about Ukraine from the perspective of the ongoing war in our country. During this course, you will learn about the history of the creation of Ukraine as a state, its achievements over the past 30 years, and the history of the Ukrainian language, we will also discuss Ukraine’s participation in World War І, World War ІІ and the ongoing war, speak about Ukrainian revolutions: Orange Revolution, Revolution of dignity and other topics as they relate to Ukraine’
Course overview section photo

Промо-відео курсу


Для кого цей курс?


This course is for individuals passionate about Ukraine's history, culture, and contemporary issues, especially in the context of the ongoing war. It suits historians and enthusiasts interested in Ukraine's key historical events; students and scholars of international relations and Eastern European studies seeking deeper geopolitical insights; language and culture aficionados curious about Ukrainian resilience against Russian imperialism; policy makers and security experts needing knowledge on Ukraine’s security challenges; and the general public wanting a comprehensive understanding of Ukrain
Course overview section photo

Програма курсу


Thirty Years of Independence: Ukraine’s Greatest Achievements

Тема 1

Russian Aggression in Ukraine: Historical/Ideological Causes and Recent Developments

Тема 2

Ukrainian Beginning of the 21st Century: From Revolutions to War

Тема 3

Three Wars and One Ukraine

Тема 4

The Drive and Courage of Being Free

Тема 5

Can the Postmodern World Abandon the Concept of Just War?

Тема 6

Security and International Relations of Ukraine

Тема 7

How Has the Ukrainian Language Withstood Russian Imperialism. Distorted History

Тема 8

Ukrainian Christmas Traditions

Тема 9

На курсі вас чекає


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Comprehensive Coverage of Nine Interesting Topics

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Instructor Recommendations

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Opportunity to Communicate with Classmates

Лектори курсу


course image
Yaroslav Hrytsak

a prominent Ukrainian historian and professor at the Ukrainian Catholic University.

Course start notification from photo